Ethos & Values
‘Our vision is to create a school community where children grow into happy, confident and responsible individuals, who work hard together to achieve their full potential.’
We will enable children to be happy by:
- Providing a welcoming, safe and inclusive school environment, where all children know that they are truly valued.
- Knowing and nurturing each child as an individual, understanding what they need in order to enjoy their learning and achieve their best.
- Supporting children in their social skills and friendships.
- Allowing all children to experience a wide range of exciting and enriching learning experiences every day, both within and beyond the classroom.
We will enable children to be confident by:
- Enabling all to succeed at their own individual level.
- Challenging them to do their very best and praising them when they do so.
- Encouraging an understanding that we learn from our mistakes.
- Working in partnership with their parents and families.
We will enable children to be responsible by:
- Providing a disciplined learning environment where the concepts of ‘right and wrong’ are clearly understood by all.
- Encouraging and rewarding good behaviour, hard work, consideration towards others and respect for everyone.
- Encouraging children to reflect upon and take responsibility for their own learning and their own actions.
We will enable children to achieve to their fullest potential by:
- Having very high expectations of adults and children alike and striving for the best possible standards of teaching and learning.
- Motivating and encouraging children through recognition and celebration of their successes and achievements.
- Closely tracking the progress of every child and providing support at the point of need so no-one slips through the net.